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Swap, swap, till you drop - Nancy Bhasin, Founder, This for That

Cool Because…

Founder, This for That – an app that lets women swap clothes for free!


Nancy Bhasin.

The Story

After spending more than nine years in marketing advisory and advertising, Nancy decided to answer a question that had always been at the back of her mind – how to make shopping free and painless for women?

Excited about the growth of the sharing economy in India, she decided to apply the concept to solve the biggest first-world problem known to women - a closet full of clothes, yet nothing to wear.

Thus, was born ‘This for That’ – a peer-to-peer fashion sharing platform.

How does it work? You upload items you want to swap and choose from items uploaded by others. Members are free to swap clothes, shoes, bags, accessories, and cosmetics on a permanent or temporary basis. In Nancy’s own words – as a woman you’re constantly digging into your mother’s/friend’s/sister’s closet, now imagine if you could dig into not just 3-4 closets but an infinite number of closets. That’s what This For That lets you do.

Why Should You Care?

Hoarding clothes is something we’ve all been guilty of at some point. Over the last 15 years, globally, clothing sales have increased by 100%, while clothing utilization has decreased by 36%. What’s more is that 87% of total fiber input of clothing, ends up in a landfill or is incinerated. But it’s not all bad news! There is an alternative to shopping – swapping. The result? A new, refreshed wardrobe that doesn’t put a burden on the environment. It’s a win-win solution for you and the planet.


We caught up with Nancy on what inspires her and more!

What does sustainable fashion mean to you?

A form of expression that defines and liberates you without ruining everything around you in the process.

What do you think is the biggest hindrance to the sustainable fashion movement?

The notion that fashion is not such a big threat in the first place.

What's the one item in your wardrobe that inspires you to live more consciously?

I bought a pair of boots from Charles and Keith sometime back. They looked stunning and even on sale they were a significant investment! I barely wore them a few times that winter, before packing them neatly. The next winter I wore them a couple of times and realized the leather was beginning to come undone in a bunch of places. I was livid because you expect boots to last at least five years. The brand of course washed their hands off and did not help. I’ve never thrown them out because they are a constant reminder of exactly the kind of fast fashion purchases I am never going to make!

What’s the biggest challenge you face in your work?

Ensuring people don’t upload and send things that don’t match their pictures or description. Although we have systems in place to check this behaviour, one bad swap can turn people off.


The Elevator Pitch

  • After years of trying to figure out how to make shopping free and painless for women, Nancy found inspiration in the sharing economy model, and started ‘This for That.'

  • This for That is a peer-to-peer fashion sharing platform where women can swap clothes, shoes, bags, accessories, and cosmetics on a permanent or temporary basis.


Follow This for That for more updates

P.S. - They will be launching their latest app soon, stay tuned!

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